Dan Durst

Dan Durst

Capital Edge Consulting

Dan Durst is the Co-Leader of the Federal Grants Compliance Practice at Capital Edge Consulting, the leading provider of compliance solutions for Federal award recipients. Dan uses his specialized and extensive knowledge in procurement, cost allocation, audit support, and internal controls to deliver a vast array of solutions to award recipients receiving funds from various Federal awarding agencies. Dan currently serves on the Thompson Grants Editorial Advisory Board, providing technical guidance and expert content on topics related to compliance with Uniform Guidance. He is also frequently featured as a speaker on Federal grants compliance issues for industry-recognized training organizations. Prior to joining Capital Edge, Dan was an audit supervisor and lead consultant for a member firm of the AICPA’s Government Audit Quality Center and has supervised and performed several Single Audits under both OMB A-133 and the new Uniform Guidance, Subpart F. Dan holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting with a minor in Information Technology and a Masters of Business Administration with a concentration in Accounting from George Mason University.