Carol Barnard

Carol Barnard

Aronson LLC

Carol Barnard, CPA, CFE, MBA, is a director in Aronson’s Nonproft & Association Services Group. With more than 15 years of public accounting experience, Carol has focused her career exclusively on nonproft audit and accounting issues, including federal funding and related Single Audit requirements, compliance issues, and the changes brought about by Uniform Guidance.

As an active thought leader within the nonproft indusry, Carol continuously shares her expertise through nationally broadcased webinars, internal training sessions, and other speaking opportunities. She has led various webinars on topics such as “The Updated Basics of Federal Grant Compliance,” “Allocating Direct and Indirect Coss for Nonprofts,” and “Nonproft Compliance: Winning Strategies for a Successful Audit.” Additionally, she has co-presented a breakout session at the Greater Washington Society of CPAs 2017 Annual Nonproft Symposium entitled “Fraud Considerations in Nonproft Organizations.” Carol is also the editor of Aronson’s nonproft blogs.

Carol is a CPA licensed in Virginia and Maryland. She earned her MBA in Accounting in 2003 and her Certifed Fraud
Examiner designation in 2012.